Constitutional Reform Committee

Committee Members

Senator the Hon. Tom Tavares-Finson, OJ, CD, KC

President of the Senate & Commissioner of the Electoral Commission of Jamaica

Senator Donna Scott-Mottley

Parliamentary Opposition - Senate

Mr Anthony Hylton, CD, MP

Parliamentary Opposition - House of Representatives

Prof. Richard Albert

International Constitutional Law Expert

Dr the Hon. Lloyd Barnett, OJ

National Constitutional Law Expert

Mr Hugh Small, KC

Consultant Counsel & Nominee of the Leader of the Parliamentary Opposition

Dr David Henry

Wider Society - Faith-based

Dr Nadeen Spence

Civil Society - Social & Political Commentator

Mrs Laleta Davis Mattis, CD, JP

Chair, National Reparations Committee

Mr Sujae Boswell

Youth Advisor

Dr Elaine McCarthy

Chairman - Jamaica Umbrella Group of Churches

Mr Christopher Harper

Committee Liaison Officer
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